Born in Moncalieri (Turin) IT
Lives and works in Aymavilles (Aosta) and Turin
selected exhibitions
2025 EXPO BOLOGNA 2025, Wikiarte Gallery, curated by Pietro Franca, Bologna
2024 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE, finalists' exhibition, Arsenale Nord, Venice
AISTHESIS, Sala Xenia, Trieste
UNPREDICTABLE, Paratissima fair, Uffici|Snos, Turin
1758 Venice Art Studio Gallery, Venice
2021 DESIDERA Art Prize, Trieste
2019 MUTACTIONS, curated by Simonetta Pavanello, ICS at Paratissima fair - Ex Accademia Artiglieria, Turin
PENSIERI PAROLE OPERE E OMISSIONI, curated by Simonetta Pavanello, Off. Forte Marghera, Venice
PARATISSIMA TALENTS, curated by Francesca Canfora, Castello Visconteo-Sforzesco, Novara
DIGITAL HUMANITY, Paratissima art&design fair, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan
2018 FEELING DIFFERENT, Paratissima fair - Caserma La Marmora, Turin
2016 ARTGEMINI prize, finalists' exhibition, Asia House, London
UNO NESSUNO CENTOMILA, OnArt gallery, Florence
PROSPETTIVE, collateral exhibition Lynx Art prize, Trieste
ARTROOMS fair, Melia White House, London
2014 ARTGEMINI prize, finalists' exhibition, Trispace Gallery, London
S.A.L.I.G.I.A. 7 deadly vices, Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Turin
NEW YORK NOW!, Factory-Art gallery, NYC
2007 18 International Kunstler Associazione Montessori, Salzgitter-Lebenstad
2006 15 VOLTE 1 VOLTO, curated by Chiara Canali, Federica Ghizzoni Gallery, Milan
2005 CLONAZIONI, curated by Chiara Canali, Bianca Maria Rizzi Gallery, Milan
2004 WORK-IN-PROGRESS, Antonio Battaglia Gallery, Milan
2024 Finalist artist, ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE, Venice
Longlist artist, VAO Prize, London
2021 Mention, DeSidera Art Prize, Trieste
2019 Recommend artist, COMBAT PRIZE, Livorno
2018 Winner Best 15 Prize, FEELING DIFFERENT/PARATISSIMA art fair, Turin
2016 Finalist artist, ARTGEMINI PRIZE, London
Selected artist, ARTROOMS LONDON fair, London
2014 Finalist artist, ARTGEMINI PRIZE, London
Selected artist, NEW YORK NOW!, Factory Art, NYC
Recommend artist, COMBAT PRIZE, Livorno
2006 Recommend artist, CELESTE PRIZE, S.Gimignano
2005 Recommend artist, CELESTE PRIZE, S.Gimignano
1993 Winner "AGAINST RACISM"/ graphic prize, DEUTSCHE WELLE Germany
1992 Winner "WELCOME EUROPE"/ graphic prize, RAI Italy
I agree with the statement, "Happiness lies in the fulfillment of oneself."
And I believe that freedom is fundamental as the starting point of this journey.
I wonder how truly free we are to think, choose, and act. I question whether existence is sincere or more akin to an illusion.
What we think and do is a consequence of how and where we were raised and educated.
Are we merely actors within society?
For this reason, I see little difference between existence and simulation; for this reason, I'm drawn to masks and disguise; for this reason, I'm fascinated by fiction and the virtual, which appear more real to me than reality itself.